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As the leaves start to change color and the weather gets cooler, it can only mean one thing: Halloween is right around the corner! This spooky holiday is a favorite for many people, but it can also be a lot of fun for pets too. If you’re planning on dressing up your furry friend this year, make sure to keep them safe with these 10 tips.

10 Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs

Halloween can offer plenty of fun for children and families. But for pets? For our furkids, Halloween can be a nightmare. Avoid the stress for you and your beloved furkid. Keep your pets safe by following these 10 easy tips.

halloween safety tips for dogs

1. Trick-or-treat candies bring danger to dogs.

    Pet owners should know that all types of chocolate are dangerous for dogs. They can even prove fatal when eaten by our furkids. Know the symptoms of chocolate poisoning. They include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and seizures. 

    Halloween candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol are extremely poisonous to dogs. Experts warn that even small amounts of Xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar. This sharp drop often then leads to a loss of coordination and seizures. When eaten by dogs, Xylitol might also lead to liver failure. Even if they don’t develop symptoms of low blood sugar, dangerous health issues might occur.

    2. Don’t leave pets outside on Halloween.

      Vicious pranksters often tease, hurt, steal, and even kill pets on Halloween night. Terrible behavior? Yes! But completely preventable, too. Just keep your precious pets indoors and away from potential harm. In fact, you should do this each night, particularly around Halloween.

      3. Keep pets safely away from the door.

        Indoors is always better than outdoors on Halloween. But your door will frequently open and close as trick or treaters stop by. And they appear as strangers dressed in unusual costumes. This can be scary for our pets and might cause them to escape or become aggressive. Consider keeping your dog in a secure room or his crate. He will feel more confident, and you won’t worry about him running off in fear. And no one wants to be searching for a beloved lost pet.

        4. Keep glow sticks away from pets.

          Glow sticks help keep people safe on Halloween night, but they can add some unwanted problems if a pet gets them. He may chew one open. The liquid inside glow sticks is not toxic, so your pet won’t actually get sick. But dogs who chew a glow stick may drool, paw at their mouth, become agitated, and sometimes even vomit. The best remedy is to offer him a small snack and some water to help alter the bad taste.

          5. Keep Halloween decorations such as pumpkins and corn out of reach.

            Those pumpkin and corn displays may be adorable to humans. But for pets, they can be a hazard. Some dogs might nibble on or even eat pieces off of your display. When left out, these edible items contract molds and other health issues. Eating these items might cause an upset stomach leading to diarrhea or vomiting. They might swallow a large enough piece to create a blockage that requires an emergency trip to your vet. Some types of mold produce mycotoxins. These can cause neurologic problems in dogs. Keep all the pumpkins and corn stalks away from your pets to be safe. 

            6. Candle Danger! Don’t keep your lit pumpkins around pets.

              Many people use candles to light jack-o-lanterns and other Halloween decorations. If you do, make sure to place them well out of the reach of your pets. They might burn themselves or even cause a fire if they get too close.

              7. Keep electric and battery-powered Halloween decorations out of your pet’s reach.

                Electric and battery-powered Halloween decorations are safer than actual candles. But they still present a risk to pets. Some dogs chew on cords. They might receive a severe or life-threatening electrical shock or burn. The batteries can also cause chemical burns when chewed open or gastrointestinal blockage if swallowed. Pieces of glass or plastic can cause cuts anywhere on the body. If swallowed, they can also cut inside the gastrointestinal tract.

                8. Does your pet need a costume? Consider if he will like it.

                  If you decide that your furkid needs a costume, make sure it doesn’t annoy your pet. Some might even be dangerous for him. Consider costumes that do not restrict movement, hearing, eyesight, or the ability to breathe. To ensure your pet is always safe, never leave him unsupervised in his costume.

                  9. Let your pet try his costumes before the big night.

                    If your Halloween plans include putting a costume on your pet for the night, introduce him to his costume at least a few times before the big night. Don’t wait until Halloween night, when the activities are lively, and he might get stressed. In fact, any time you want to introduce your pet to something new, it’s best to go slowly. Make it a fun experience. Offer lots of praise and treats. And if the costume still seems to stress him, it’s best to avoid using it. Maybe he can wear a cute bandana or colorful collar?

                    10. IDs, please!

                      Even with the best preparation and caution, your pet might get lost. Having the proper identification increases the chances that you find your pet.

                      Collars and tags are ideal if a helpful person sees your pet. But microchips offer permanent identification. They prove helpful in case the collar or tag falls off. Make sure the information is up-to-date to ensure your pet’s safe return. Check the address and phone number on the tags. Also, check with the company your pet microchips are registered with.

                      Are you and Your Pet ready for Halloween?

                      Halloween can be a fun and spooky time for humans, but it can also be pretty scary for pets. That’s why we wanted to share a few tips with you on how to keep your furry friends safe during the holiday. By following these simple guidelines, you can help ensure that your pet has a happy and safe Halloween. Do you have any plans for your pet this year? Leave us a comment below and let us know what you’re doing!

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