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It Is In Your Dog’s Nature To Bark

There are so many reasons why canines do it. Some do it to communicate while others bark to express themselves. But it is normal for an owner to ask, ” What do I have to do to stop my dog from barking?” That is because woofs and yapping sounds may become noisy and irritating sometimes.
Even though it is natural for a dog to make loud sounds, there are ways to manage one. You can stop your dog from barking or at least do something about how it let out sounds. Many people already found ways to make pups and adult dogs quieter or at least disciplined. You only need to try these strategies, have patience, and see what happens next. Success in this will mean a better relationship between you and your buddy.

First Try To Understand Why They Bark

Dogs don’t make sounds at random. They always create sounds to get someone or something’s attention. It is their natural way of letting others know that something important is going on. They can be pointing at something, speaking out, or expressing their alertness. Some canines even yelp and howl while they are at it. Excessive barking can be quite a problem. Yet understanding why this happens ought to be the first part of the solution. You should try to observe your whelp or adult pooch more to see how it is doing. Doing so may give you clarity or at least clues on why it’s whining.


Strategies To Do Something About The Barking

Various methods may help a dog owner manage the barking of his or her pet. Once the reason for the whining is there, it would be easier to know what to do next. So if you’re saying, “I want to know how to get my dog to stop barking when I leave,” there are solutions to that. You only need to be patient and do some testing to see which strategy works.


Find Out The Trigger Of Their Bark

A dog may let out loud noises when it sees something that excites it. It may be a person, object, or another dog. The reason for it may be that your pet has some attraction to it or sees the thing as a threat. Your buddy might be giving you signals that it wants to get to it or that you need to at least see it.


Stopping The Yapping

Here are some things that you could do to calm your canine and stop the barking.
  • It is always important that you check with your dog to know what it is barking at. See the direction of its head or observe where it is going. Identify what triggers it before you take action.
  • Try to interpret the barking and also your dog’s body language. When the hairs behind its neck go up, it may mean that it is afraid. Yet when it’s bearing its teeth then it may be aggressive to whatever it’s barking at.
  • Ignore the barking to discourage it if you think that doing so will make it stop on its own. Give them affection when they stop to show that you appreciate their silence.
  • Remove your dog from what is triggering it to bark or get rid of the trigger. This is if the barking of your canine is already uncontrollable. Use a collar or harness with a leash if necessary to transfer your pet or command it to go somewhere else. Turn around and ignore the yapping. Reinforce its favorable deed by providing it treats.


Show That There Is Nothing To Whine About

A dog would often only bark something that excites or stresses it out. When you can show it that there is no reason for it to make sounds then it would likely keep quiet on its own.
  • When it starts barking, stand up to let your dog know that it got your attention. Go to where your canine is pointing at.
  • If there is nothing important or at all to worry about then show it by remaining calm. Make your dog relaxed by rubbing it or patting it on the head. This will help you tell your pet that there isn’t a problem that ought to worry it.


Feed Or Play With It

stop my dog from barkingThere’s a chance that your canine might be making noises to get your attention for other reasons. It could be hungry or feel bored and it wants you to feed or play with it.
  • You would likely know this when you would go to your dog when it barks and then it keeps looking at you.
  • A dog may even be smart enough to bring get their feeding bowl or toys. They often do it before they make noises.


Use Things For Distraction

Going for things that appeal to your pet can prove to be useful sometimes. It may help it get distracted from the barking. These items often come in the form of toys. But this is to command your pet to put its attention to something else.
  • Assess the situation and see why your pet is barking.
  • Locate the object that you could use to distract it. Use it only when you know that you have your canine’s attention.
  • Try to use it for play by letting your dog fetch it. But it may work to have your pet fixated on it without throwing it.
  • Get rid of what your dog was growling or whining at. Or at least don’t let your pet have access to it in any way. This is to keep it quiet.


Make Some Changes In Your Home

stop my dog from barkingIt may seem that a dog barks at every noise at night for no reason but this is not true. Dogs can also see shadows and hear things which may cause them to become alert, afraid, or angry. So it does pay to make some changes in your home for this concern. Rearranging or adding a couple of things may help you solve your problem.
  • Observe and find out when your pet is barking and what it’s pointing at. You should make some changes to your place only after you’ve done that.
  • Try changing the position of your furniture pieces, appliances, and ornaments. They may be casting shadows that your dog doesn’t like.
  • Close or put barriers on your windows and doors. This is so your buddy would feel more secure indoors. It will also allow you to keep your home safe from unwanted visitors. This is also how to stop dog barking at passers by at any time of the day.


Train Your Dog To Stop At Your Command

stop my dog from barkingShouting at your dog without letting it understand why you’re doing that won’t work. Hitting it is even worse. It may even put you in danger of angering your pet to lash out at you. So it may take some time to train a dog to follow but training it to stop barking is better than mistreating it.
It pays to know how to train your dog not to bark at other dogs. This will help you avoid neighborhood quarrels due to preventable noise. In training your pet you could also allow yourself to hear better during emergencies. That is because you could control your dog by commanding it to become silent.
  • When your dog is barking, tell it to be silent by saying the command, “Quiet.” Use your normal voice but be firm when you say it.
  • You may need to transfer your buddy away from what makes it bark. Yet you should only show affection once it cooperates with you.
  • When it does follow and become quiet then you should reward it. But make sure that you praise and give treats only when the dog keeps its mouth shut and doesn’t make sounds.
  • You can also make it a routine to tell say the word quiet to it. For this, you will need to show it a trigger and then say the word. Do the same and reward it with admiration plus food once it gets the command right.



It’s part of a dog to bark and so doing something about it is the only option available. To answer, “How do I stop my dog from barking?” there are different methods to try.
Everything starts with knowing the reasons why a dog might woof, yap, or whine. The typical reason why dogs do this is something that alerted them. It may also mean that they need something from their owner. What’s important is that a dog owner reacts right by ignoring a deed or reinforcing good behavior.

Read More: 

How To Train Dog Not To Chase Cars: Practical Lessons

Why do Dogs End Up in Shelters? Top 10 Reasons

Tips for Caring for an Older Dog

Fun Tricks for Dogs and Their People


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